Friday, March 19, 2010

Writing popular science

Earlier this week, David Williams (Stories in Stone), Michael Welland (Through the Sandglass), and Brian Switek (Laelaps) began a series of blog posts about writing and publishing a popular science book. As someone who is bogged down in the middle of the process, I'm finding these posts very helpful. If you are thinking about writing non-fiction or, like me, muddling along and thirsting for practical and actionable advice, this series id a good place to start.

Writing a Book: The Idea, The Proposal, and Publishing
Writing a Book: Part 2, the Writing

Thoughts on writing a popular science book (1): making it interesting, finding a publisher
Thoughts on writing a popular science book (2): Writing and structure
Thoughts on writing a popular science book (3): the tedious but important stuff

So you want to write a pop-sci book: Part 1: From idea to agent
So you want to write a pop-sci book: Part 2: The value of blogs
So you want to write a pop-sci book: Part 3: Writing the damn thing
So you want to write a pop-sci book: Open thread

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